Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Tensions Arise in Competition and Jealousy..."Dance Moms"

For this week's post, my first post!... I am going to begin by analyzing an episode of a television show, a quite drama filled show might I add, at times even... a little... too dramatic. Some might hate my choice and claim that all that this show is, is scripted and a bunch of crap, sure you're pretty much right; however it highlights a lot about myself and my interests, the life I grew up in as a competitive dancer, and most importantly in this case, my enjoyment for reality television and it's functionality in communication! Thank you Lifetime.
With that being said I chose the show "Dance Moms" and the episode titled, "The Competition Begins" which is episode 1 from season 1 aired in July of 2011. 
    As the first episode of a new show, there's much introduction and overview of what's to come in the following weeks, as well as interviews of each mom and child explaining themselves and their dance background as member of this competition team. 
    The leader of the "pack," Abby Lee Miller, announced as the "artistic director" and "chief choreographer" of the Abby Lee Dance Company, is a sarcastic, straight to the point, and forceful presence that to put in simple, gets what she wants in any regard. Nobody's deep seated feelings, complaints, disagreements, or even points of view face her in the slightest, she is always right. 

    Moreover, there are four moms: Melissa with two daughters Maddie and Mackenzie; Holly with daughter Nia; Kelly also with two children, Brooke and Paige; and last but certainly not least Christi, with daughter Chloe. These moms might claim they are best friends and have each others back, but I think any viewer can argue that. While it's truthful their daughters might love one another, the mothers are only out for the best in their child, which truly just means who can receive the most praise and recognition.

    To get into, Maddie is the golden child to Abby, and everyone can see that from all the extra attention she gets, even from her own mother attending more to her than over her other child, crazy right? 
The biggest competitive force comes from Chloe and Maddie, but really it's between Christi and Melissa as their kids are equally as talented, just treated differently by the only voice that matters, their teacher. In short, Abby hates Christi and her smart mouth and punishes Chloe for her outlandish actions, and to stir the pot even more, Abby and golden child Maddie's mother... best friends. 

 Enough about the drama, you get it, everyone wants to be the best and its mostly the moms jealousy of the other kids that starts the bickering. Let's be real what do the 6-10 years olds know, they just wanna dance on stage with pretty make up, hair, and costume, while being surrounded by their friends. 
                                   What makes this show and this episode specifically so enticing, is the use of that camera! Shots are done outside the dance studio or competition scene, and there's one on one interviews with the producers. 
    Furthermore, the producers certainly are smart in their design of this show, they show us all that we need to see in order to create opinions and take sides, as well as see the "true life" of these people in this wild dance world. I would say this episode and show in general is edited like a collage that goes from scene to scene, in the dance studio, a shot of the moms gossiping in the over head viewing window, the interviews at their homes, or individual conversations in front of a green screened costume shop, I'm not joking. The best part of the show is when it gets to the actual competition where the scenes go from dressing room to on the stage and in audience, and backstage. And might I add the most comical part of it all, the bus rides from the studio to the competition venue, absolute chaos!
   Additionally, the codes in this text are comedy, high tensions, jealousy, competition, and the big word, DRAMA. 
    The central opposition is the text is the moms fighting for their children and fighting with Abby when the actual focus of the show is the dancers who can care less about who wins and who doesn't... Well not all the time might I say, they sure as hell want to win that stressed first place because as Abby said, "second is the first to lose."
      I'll leave you with something to think about in terms of reality television:

"We might consider not employing the iconic perspective if we are concerned that students are already too easily convinced that reality TV is reality (due to the edited, compressed, and even scripted nature of the genre, of course, this is rarely true, but less worldly students can confuse the two realities more easily)"- Rita L. Rahoi-Gilchrest

A Cultural Text Breakdown: Modern Family

Modern Family, you've heard of it right? If you're on my blog, I'd hope so, but I accept your apology if not of course. However,...